About me

Hey there! 👋

I'm a Computer Science student with a goal of becoming a Full Stack Developer.

I love computers, coding, and solving problems. I also love video games, coffee, and crypto!

I am passionate about web development, web3, I am currently seeking a Summer 2023 Internship at a technology company!


Programming: Python, Java, C/C#/C++/ Rust

Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl

Operating Systems Windows, Linux, MacOS

Other: SQL, Git, UNIX Shell, Windows Shell

Software: VS Code, Jupyter Notebook, Excel


Work Experience

  1. Data Scientist @ Ontario Power Generation

    September 2021 — April 2022

    > Analyzed historical outage data to identify low-stock materials for planned future nuclear outages. This analysis is used to ensure sufficient stock of materials are ordered for future demand.

    > Wrote Python scripts to automate Supply Chain housekeeping tasks on AS7.

    > Attended daily meetings as Supply Chain representative for Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Project for reactors 1 and 3. Communicated with vendors to advise project on expected part deliveries.

    > Independently developed TWEEKs, a Python application which identifies part risks to the DNRU project by querying company databases and generating an informative report. TWEEKs effectively automated a time-consuming manual task, greatly increasing productivity. TWEEKs is being used at OPG to this day.


  1. Louise Arbour Secondary School

    2015 — 2019

    > GED, graduated with 'Ontario Scholar' designation.

    > Achieved 'Honour Roll' all 4 years.

    > Member of Wrestling Team, Robotics Club, and Gaming Club.

  2. Toronto Metropolitan University

    2019 — Present

    > BSc Computer Science (Honours) Coop Program.

    > Achieved Dean's List for all academic terms attended (cGPA: 3.57).

    > Relevant Courses:
    Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Systems Development, Databases, Computer Networks, Computer Security, Software Engineering.

Volunteer Experience

  1. Audio Video Technician @ Louise Arbour SS


    Led a team of students to setup and operate audio and video systems for various school events.

  2. Charity Ambassador @ The Salvation Army


    Independently promoted funds and public awareness for Christmas Kettle Campaign to support community foodbanks.

  3. Fundraising Volunteer @ The Heart and Stroke Foundation


    Collaborated amongst a team of volunteers to promote and sell merchandise and services for charity


Below are some projects of mine I created for fun or for university.

Netflix Movie Recommender System

A Python-based web application which dynamically recommends Netflix titles based upon custom user ratings. This project uses an official Netflix dataset and both content-based filtering and collaborative filtering to recommend titles. This system actually does a good job of recommending relevant titles. Utilizes Pandas and Streamlit.

Vector Space Model Search Engine

A Python-based search engine, written from scratch, which implements the Vector Space Model for information retrieval. Uses free text queries input to output documents with matching keywords. Uses document-at-a-time calculation to display the top-10 relevant documents. Utilizes my custom pre-processor and inverted index generator modules.

VALORANT Auto Music Player

An app that automatically plays and pauses music in-between rounds of VALORANT. Uses OpenCV to determine gamestate. Written in Python, uses Windows API and Tkinter.


A team effort project built for the 2020 Digital Convergence Hackathon. An online platform designed to educate youth on cyber attacks and safety during the COVID19 pandemic

Poker Hand Solver

A program written in Rust to identify the winning hand in a round of Poker.

Computer Vision Object Recognition

An application which utilizes OpenCV to highlight objects such as cats, eyes, faces, and more!
